Thursday, February 23, 2012

Missing L.A. Mom:The Story and the Feeling

No one can read or cover such a story of senseless,violent crime without being affected by it.Now that a definitive i.d. of the body dumped off an L.A. on-ramp has been made-it is indeed that of Bree'Anna Guzman,22,who went missing when she walked to a Rite Aid drugstore to buy cough syrup for her children-at least her family and community know that much.
Yet this answer points to other questions.The coroner will answer some,but hard police work will have to find the others.In the mean time,the healing process will at least begin for all those who knew Ms.Guzman or followed the case as best they could from afar,feeling that it isn't O.K.,and that they're determined to give it the continuing attention it deserves-all the way to justice.
This blog,for one,feels such determination.

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Lisa said...
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