Friday, July 13, 2012

Health Uncle:What Are Moles-and when they should be evaluated

Moles are concentrations of melanocytes,the cells that give your skin its color.They may be flat or raised.Normal moles are evenly shaped and colored.A mole with irregular borders;a size greater than a pencil eraser;an uneven shape;or more than one color or shade is atypical.Any mole that has changed,looks weird or suddenly appeared if you are over 40,should  be examined by a health professional as soon as possible.In rare cases,moles can be precancerous or cancerous.
Cancerous moles are called malignant melanomas.They are a kind of tumor of the skin.Some melanomas metastasize slowly;but others can spread rapidly to other organs,often with fatal consequences.Young people can get and die from malignant melanomas.
Melanomas are diagnosed by biopsy.The suspicious mole is normally removed in a doctor's office.Mole removal is one of the most common surgeries.It only takes about ten minutes and is done under local anesthesia.The tissue will be sent to a lab for analysis.If the mole is cancerous,it must be staged,or assessed to see if it has spread.If it is superficial,no further treatment is required.If it has spread,an oncologist,or cancer specialist,will draw up a treatment plan following tests to definitively stage the cancer.Treatment of these more advanced melanomas may involve more surgery,radiation and chemotherapy of various types,depending on the patient's situation.
Exposure to ultraviolet radiation and heredity are significant factors that predispose to developing malignant melanomas.If any moles are worrying you,don't hesitate to have them examined.Remember,they don't have to be grotesque to be dangerous.

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