Friday, May 25, 2012

Italian Research:Another Benefit of Aspirin

Another benefit of humble aspirin has been suggested by an Italian study at the University of Perugia.Based on its results,the researchers believe aspirin can be considered an alternative to extended treatment with anticoagulant drugs,or blood thinners,such as Warfarin,for secondary prevention of blood clots.Taking aspirin resulted in around 40% less of a chance of developing repeat blood clots in the veins.Warfarin is often prescribed for a period of several months after a blood clot event,but is eventually stopped because of the risk of major bleeding that it poses.In the new study,6.6% per year of the patients on aspirin had a repeat blood clot;while 11.2% per year of those taking a placebo had one.Aspirin reduced clot risk without increasing the risk of major bleeding,the study found.Blood clots in the deep veins of the legs can travel up to the lungs with fatal consequences,a condition known as VTE,or venous thromboembolism.Another,larger study of aspirin prevention of blood clots is already underway.Results of the two studies will be combined to help assess the merits of aspirin as a therapy for VTE.The University of Perugia study was led by Cecilia Becattini,MD,PhD,and published in the New England Journal of Medicine.Aspirin is a known preventer of heart attacks and strokes,and possibly colon cancer as well.Aspirin maker Bayer AG provides funding for such research.Bayer AG ADS(BAYRY)

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