Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bill Richardson:Nuclear is Positive

Former Energy Secretary and New Mexico governor Bill Richardson continues to believe in nuclear energy as part of the power mix.Nuclear provides 20% of our power today,Mr.Richardson said.This is a time for debate about our nuclear plans.We have to assure the public about our nuclear plants.
Nuclear is positive because it doesn't cause greenhouse gas emissions.We have to show the public that it's safe with evacuation plans.The Diablo Canyon plant in California is safe up to an 8.9 earthquake.The reality is,security has dramatically improved and there have been no U.S. incidents since Three Mile Island.
The public and Congress are gonna have to back this.Five more nuclear reactors are slated to be built in the next 10 years,Bill Richardson pointed out.
A recent poll showed the American public evenly split about building more nuclear power plants.President Barack Obama has reaffirmed his support for the projects.
On March 28,1979,a partial core meltdown occurred at Unit 2 at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant near Harrisburg,Pennsylvania.It was the worst accident in the history of U.S. commercial nuclear power.The plant is in operation to this day.

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