Friday, January 29, 2010

Younger People Suffering Strokes

A recent study in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy shows that a considerable number of the middle-aged are having strokes today.Almost half the 7740 patients in the study,conducted at a St.Louis hospital,are under 65,and 25% of them were under 55.Many of their strokes were mild to moderate,and the victims consequently received no rehabilitation.The American Heart Association believes that many stroke patients generally,and younger patients in particular,are being neglected in this respect.
The risk of heart disease and stroke may be lessened by eating butternut squash.This fall and winter produce has a lot of fiber and potassium in it,with a cup of squash containing about three grams of fiber and more than 10% of the RDA of potassium.It is also high in folate,which data suggest is good for the heart.Campbell Soup makes a butternut squash soup for its V8 line.
Adequate daily intake of potassium for healthy adults 19 and older is 4700 mg a day.Increased potassium intake is associated with a lessened risk of stroke.Potassium may also help prevent kidney stones and osteoporosis.A medium-size banana has 422 mg of potassium,while a baked potato with skin has 926 mg.A half cup of raisins has 598 mg.
Always consult your doctor before taking nutritional supplements or making major dietary changes.Too much potassium can result in bodily harm for some individuals with certain conditions or taking some medications.The publisher is not responsible for readers making poor decisions regarding health,finance or any other matter.Professional advice is suggested before taking any significant steps in your life.

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