Friday, July 31, 2009

Health Uncle:Chickenpox Stays In You

If we've ever had chickenpox,we still have the virus in us.What is worse,the virus may come out of its dormant state and give us a potentially painful rash called shingles.Shingles affects people 60 and over.Why that is isn't fully established,though age-related immune system flaws seem to be involved.Shingles is often a blistering rash that lasts up to 30 days.Normally,the pain disappears along with the rash.Sometimes,however,it lingers for an extended period-even for years.
Merck has developed a vaccine,Zostavax,that can prevent shingles.It strengthens the immune system by exposing you to a weakened chickenpox virus.Zostavax isn't foolproof.It may not protect you at all,or only partially protect you from shingles.It is the only vaccine available for the illness,however.People with various medical conditions or in certain situations shouldn't receive the vaccine.If you are 60 or over and had chickenpox,consider consulting a doctor about being vaccinated with Zostavax.

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