Sunday, October 3, 2010

JNJ's Crisis Management

Johnson and Johnson has responded to a series of recalls it made across different product lines.Involved were children's versions of Tylenol and Motrin,as well as Rolaids,Benadryl and St.Joseph's aspirin.CEO William Weldon pointed out that they took everything out of the market.They looked at every facility worldwide.
They brought in outside experts to look at problem facilities.They put an individual in to look at the supply chain and report directly to Mr.Weldon to ensure consistency.
JNJ will invest 100 million dollars to improve quality and operations.The recalls were voluntary,and no one got sick.
According to a survey,the company's response has been effective.The brands have been protected.Closing the plant and removing all the product from the shelf,as well as the other measures,have reassured consumers that this was a brief lapse of competence.
A company of JNJ's size will inevitably be dealing with product recalls.It needs an impressive skill set to handle these crises satisfactorily.
Johnson and Johnson(JNJ)

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