Tuesday, August 18, 2009

NASA Budget Won't Fly

Norm Augustine,former Lockheed Martin CEO,says that NASA's current human spaceflight program isn't executable with the resources we have.Mr.Augustine is leading a panel evaluating the program for NASA and President Barack Obama,the Review of Human Spaceflight Plans Committee.We are short four billion dollars;plus there are formidable technical challenges to consider.One of them is cosmic rays,which may be dangerous to the astronauts.The lengthy missions ahead would involve exposure to the rays for long periods of time,and the result of that is unknown.As well,the astronauts would be weightless for extended periods,and that is known to be harmful.
Going to Mars is an even greater challenge than returning to the Moon.It takes radio signals 20 minutes to travel from Mars back to earth.The astronauts would really be on their own out there.We spent a lot of money on the Apollo Moon missions.Going to Mars would be much more expensive.
Mr.Augustine's panel started out with over 3,000 options.They have narrowed them down to four-plus the basic program.One of the options is to delay the new Aries program,extending the shuttle program to fill in the gap.The routine transport of goods and people should be commercialized while the astronauts focus on scientific work.A 20% increase in NASA's budget would get us to Mars,the asteroids,and back to the Moon.
Today we are partnered with our former space rivals the Russians,Mr.Augustine observed.Many of our spacecraft use Russian engines.Space is one of the few areas where America still leads.If we don't lead,someone else will,he warned.
The committee met with NASA and White House officials on 14 August.The final report of the committee is being prepared.

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