Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Alert: MAGA ringleader says quiet part out loud in chilling 'accidental confession' on Project 2025 - YouTube - MSNBC

with Katie Phang,Jason Johnson and New York University's Ruth Ben-Ghiat,an expert on authoritariansim.*Commentary:Project 2025 is another coups attempt.When they tell you what they're going to do,believe them.

Zooming in on Betelgeuse - European Southern Observatory - astrophysics

The video takes the viewer from the constellation of Orion to the surface of the red supergiant star Betelgeuse,which underwent an unprecedented dimming in 2019 and 2020.This was observed by this blog.As we zoom closer to the star,we see the star's "flames",clouds of dust in a dramatic image taken with the VISIR instrument on the Very Large Telescope.The dot appearing at the end of the zoom is a March 2020 image taken with the SPHERE instrument of the Very Large Telescope.It shows Betelgeuse's visible surface,which has a sixe close to that of the orbit of Jupiter.*Text by ESO and edited by Andrew Taylor*Red supergiants progress to a supernova explosion,so Betelgeuse is closely monitored by scientests.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Justice and the Law - 'Project 2025 wish list stuff': Supreme Court decisions show the consequences of elections - YouTube - MSNBC

with Stephanie Ruhle,Charles Coleman Jr.-former New York Prosecutor,Tim Miller-Host,The Bulwark podcast,Molly Jong Fast-Vanity Fair magazine Special Correspondent,Sarah Cooper-Writer and Comdedian*The Supreme Court ruled for a Januaery 6 rioter who challenged the obstruction of government charge.*This is Heritage Foundation Project 2025 wishlist stuff.