Friday, July 12, 2024

Hubble Finds New Evidence for Intermediate-Mass Black Hole in Omega Centauri - YouTube - NASA Goddard - astrophysics

Intermdiate-mass black holes are a long sought missing link in black hole evolution.They are smaller than supermassive black holes,but larger than stellar mass black holes,formed by the collapse of massive stars.Only a few candidates have been found to date.*A team astronomers analyzed over 500 images from 20 years of NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope observations to find evidence of an intermediate-range blsck hole by tracking seven fast-moving starsin Omega Centauri.The Omega Cantauri globular cluster is in the constellarion Centaurus at a distabce of 17,090 light years from Earth.It is the largest-known globular cluster in our Milky Way galaxy at a diameter of about 150 light years.*Text by NASA/Goddard and edited by Andrew Taylor

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