Tuesday, July 9, 2024

CHAPEA Mission 1 Egress Event - YouTube

On 6 July 2024,the four volunteers who have been living and working inside NASA's first simulated yearlong Mars habitat mission egressed their ground-based habitat.Their ,the Crew Health And Performance Exploration Analog (CHAPEA) had begun on 25 June 2023.Egressing were crew members Commander and Canadian First Nations member Kelly Haston;Science Officer Anca Selariu of the U.S. Navy;Flight Engineer Ross Brockwell;and Medical Officer Dr.Nathan Jones.For more than a year,the crew simulated Mars mission operations,including Marswalks;growing and harvesting several vegetables to supplement their shelf-stable food;maintained their equipment and habitat;and operated under additional stressors a Mars crew will experience,including communications lag with Earth;resource limitations;and isolation.NASA is leading a return to the Moon for long-term science and exploration through the Artemis campaign,Lessons learned on and around the Moon will prepare NASA for the next giant leap-sending the first astronauts to Mars.*Text by NASA and edited by Andrew Taylor

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