Friday, May 3, 2024

🌎 LIVE Oumuamua Interstellar Object | NASA's Eyes

The first known Interstellar Object,Oumuamua,was discovered on 19 October 2017 by Robert Weryk using the Pan-STARRS 1 telescope at Haleakala Observatory,Hawaai.Reddish in color,it is possibly a hyperbolic asteroid,though others have proposed it is a comet.It's classification is still a mystery.It is headed back out to interstellar space.In 2019,Interstellar Comet Borisov/21 was the second interstellar object discovered.You will note in the animation a track out to 90377 Sedna,a reddish dwarf planet beyond the orbit of Neptune.Spectroscopy has shown its surface to be mostly a mixture of solid ices of water,methane and oxygen,along with widespread deposits of reddish-colored tholins,a chemical make-up similar to other trans-Neptunian objects.Perhaps tholins are also giving Oumuamua its reddish color.

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