Monday, May 13, 2024

A journey to Proxima Centauri and its planet - YouTube - ESO - astrophysics

This video (silent) shows an artist's impression of a trip from Earth to Proxima b,the closest planet to our Solar System.As we leave our Solar System,we see the familiar constellation figures,including the Southern Cross (Crux) and the bright stars Alpha and Beta Centauri.We gradually close on a faint red star,Beta Centauri,the closest star to Earth and the faintest component of a triple star system.The final part shows the planet Proxima b,the closest exoplanet to our Solar System. ESO edited by Andrew Taylor Credit:ESO,/L. Calcada/Nick Risinger (sky Located in Atacama,Chile,the ESO is supported by a consortium of EU member states.

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