Friday, December 13, 2024

What Does An Electron ACTUALLY Look Like? - YouTube - PBS Space Time - physics - new episode

An electron is a ball of energy.As Einstein discovered in his General Theory of Relativity,bound energy also has mass.An electron's classical radius is 2.818x10 (-15)m;but its true size is 10 (-17)m,or at least 100x smaller than the classical radius.Photons are excitations of the Electromagnetic Field.Electron and Positron pairs are excitations of the Electron Field and may annihilate one another.In Quantum Field Theory,each elementary particle,such as an electron,is an excitation of its own quantum field.Quantum particles consist of waves,but when we examine a specific particle,it becomes a point.*Dr. Matt O'Dowd is an Australian astrophysicist and presenter of PBS Space time and wrote this episode.

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