Monday, November 25, 2024

Fixing Voyager: How NASA Restored Communications with Voyager 1 from Across the Solar System - YouTube - solar system studies/interstellar studies

with Gregory Smith,communications and education directorate,NASA/JPL;Calla Colfield,media relations specialist,NASA/JPL;Kareem Badaruddin,Voyager mission manager;and Dr.Linda Spilker,Voyager project scientist*Both Voyager spacecraft are now in interstellar space,doing groundbreaking research on the interstellar medium.*The software engineering was needed to correct a hardware failure due to a part failure or cosmic radiation.There are five instruments on each Voyager that are still working:1.the magnetometer,measuring the intensity and direction of the magnetic field;2.the plasma wave detector,that actually measures the radio signals in space;3.the low energy charged particle instrument,measuring low energy cosmic rays,protons,electrons and molecules-it actually can step and measure in eight different directions;4.the plasma spectrometer,which measures the composition,temperature and density of the plasma in the interstellar medium;and 5.the cosmic ray spectrometer that measures the higher energy cosmic rays,the cosmic rays and particles coming from supernova explosions.

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