Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Positives and Negatives

The cyclical positives and secular negatives are in a tug-of-war,in the opinion of Bob Doll,Vice-President and Global Chief Investment Officer of BlackRock.The market is acting a little tired.Volume has shrunk some.Maybe we take a little pause here.I think we'll see a thousand on the S and P-maybe the low hundreds-first,Mr.Doll said.
We are of the view that the recovery will be sub-par,Bob Doll stated.Equities are O.K.,but we're not going to have the normal recovery,given the deleveraging overhang and the reluctant consumer.As for inflation,a lot of the interest rate rise we've been seeing is plain old normalization of rates.The velocity of money has not yet picked up.We have all kinds of unused capacity in areas such as manufacturing and labor,and we have to fill those up before inflation becomes a problem,Bob Doll maintained.

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